Why is the school being redeveloped?

Many of the buildings within the site are in a poor physical condition and have been identified as requiring replacement. Funding for a comprehensive redevelopment of existing educational floorspace has been secured as part of the Department for Education’s School Rebuilding Programme, a national programme aimed at replacing school buildings on sites that have been shown to have the most acute need for new accommodation.  Of more than 22,000 English schools and sixth form colleges, Ormiston Sudbury Academy has been prioritised by the Department for Education to be part of the third cohort of schools to come forward for redevelopment and is one of the first 200 projects across England to be funded under the School Rebuilding Programme initiative.

The redevelopment proposals are also designed to enable the school to operate with a full sixth form facility.  The design of the new school provides teaching space for this increase in pupil numbers, with increased parking provision to support this future expansion.  

Key Site Constraints

The redevelopment proposals need to be implemented with the school remaining fully operational and pupils able to continue their learning within a safe and fully-functional educational environment.

In physical terms, the redevelopment of the buildings needs to take into account the steeply-sloping nature of the school site with a significant change in ground levels from the road frontage to the playing fields at the rear of the current buildings.  It is important for the new building to sit comfortably in relation to surrounding residential development with a form and appearance that is appropriate to its setting when viewed from Tudor Road.  For users of the school, the design also needs to create attractive and fully accessible spaces for students, staff, and visitors.

A further constraint influencing the siting of the principal new building is the need to avoid encroachment onto the school playing fields or onto the route of the public right of way which runs through the centre of the school grounds. 

These key site constraints limit options for the location of the new main school building to the existing developed area at the front of the site (closest to Tudor Road), partly overlapping the footprint of the existing school buildings.  The area to the east of the Vocational Centre is also already hard surfaced and close to the existing school access making it a potentially suitable location for the construction of the new sports hall building (which will be open to the public outside school hours).

  • The new building will offer enhanced building sustainability features, with its design capable of achieving Net Zero Carbon in Operation (NZCiO) status. It will incorporate high standards of insulation and energy-efficiency, with the intention to utilise renewable energy technologies (such as ground and/or air source heat pumps and solar panels) to provide space and water heating capability.

  • The proposed new school building will be designed to group together Departments for ease of sharing resources and facilities within purpose designed teaching and administrative spaces. 

    Both staircase and lift access will be provided to facilitate access to the upper floor classrooms, with separate access points into the building for pupils and visitors. 

    The school's overall building footprint will be reduced, making it easier for staff to deliver a comprehensive educational program.

  • The proposed main teaching building is three storey, with a flat roof design to minimise its vertical height and provide space for photovoltaic panels to improve the school’s carbon footprint. It is intended that the building will have a brick finish on the ground floor in keeping with the colours of the surrounding area and cladding on the second and third storeys. Tree planting will continue to provide landscape screening in key views from Tudor Road to the front.

  • The building will contain spaces to be used by the Special Educational Needs staff with attractive outdoor areas providing opportunities for social interaction between pupils at break and lunch times.

  • The proposed school will have enhanced capacity for improved technology and power provision from sustainable sources. This will benefit classrooms but also provide enhanced security systems and improvements for the central administration team.

  • New kitchen and dining room facilities will be provided with associated service areas for deliveries and a bin compound.

  • The existing soft outdoor playing fields to the north and east of the development site will be retained. A new hard-surfaced upper and lower playground will be located immediately behind the proposed development, and a three-court multi-use game area will be added to the rear of the sports block.

    The new sports block will have two entrances: one for students and one for visitors outside of school hours. The building is proposed to contain a reception area, changing rooms, toilets, fitness room, activity studio and a main sports hall.

  • The proposed development will significantly enhance parking provision on the site, with ample spaces for both staff and visitors. The main parking area for staff is proposed to be located on the western side of the site with visitor parking conveniently located at the front of the building. Additional parking will be situated adjacent to the sports hall. The development also includes dedicated parking bays for minibuses and motorbikes and incorporates accessible bays and electric vehicle charging points throughout.

    The cycle parking facilities on site will be significantly upgraded to encourage pupils to cycle to school.

  • A fenced ‘secure zone’ will be maintained around the areas of the school to be used by pupils, with access in and out of this area controlled by staff.  Visitor parking spaces will be located close to the main site entrance, outside the secure zone, with all visitors required to register at the new school reception area within the new building before being able to enter any other part of the site.  

  • Additional landscape planting is proposed within the site and existing trees will be retained wherever possible.  This will have both visual and biodiversity benefits, with an overall Biodiversity Net Gain proposed.